Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Dreaming the Future Meeting - Teacher Blogs

We have a regular voluntary staff meeting a few times a term on a Thursday morning from 8.15am called 'Dreaming the Future'. Originally this time was set aside for teachers that were interested in a particular topic to get together for an informal chat  about new advances in technology, new pedagogical approaches, things that were really out of the box and may or may not impact the way we teach and learn in our classrooms.

They were good chances to interact with other, though I was really never a fan of the way we were seated - one giant oval of chairs, which resulted in 3-4 confident people overpowering the conversation.

I was asked to lead a meeting last week, so I decided to 'flip' the meeting and give everyone the input to read at their leisure, and reserve the meeting time for clarification, discussion and hopefully seeing a few people kick off their own professional blogs...you can view the stimulus here (for CEO employees) if you are unable to access just let me know.

The meeting went well with lots of hearty discussion, in small groups ;) with a few concerns around finding time etc.. I was asked to repeat the meeting for those staff members that couldn't make the voluntary morning session - so we'll look at facilitating this through grade meetings prior to the end of the year.

In reference to having time to blog regarding your own PD, I have also set in motion the possibility of allocating blogging time within our professional development experiences - encouraging teachers to pursue this as a habit should really be a focus for their own benefit as well as the CEO as a system.

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